September 18, 2019, is an exciting date if you are a part of the SAFE or RVN communities. Raven miners can now, simultaneously, incentivize in RVN and SAFE.
If you have a Ravencoin miner you have 2 options:
- Mine Ravencoin (RVN), earn Ravencoin (RVN).
- Mine Rvencoin (RVN), earn RVN and SAFE.
The best part? The amount of RVN earned does not decrease as you start earning SAFE simultaneously.
Those running RVN miners can now support the RVN blockchain and the SAFE blockchain, being incentivized in both tokens.
Stronger Together
In crypto a term rings true, “we are stronger together.” The RVN and SAFE teams have taken this term to heart. By joining forces they are building each other’s communities while creating an incentive structure for increasing their hashrate and supporting both blockchains.
MATCH protocol was an open protocol built for cross-chain linking. Developed by the SAFE team MATCH (Multi-Asset Transactional Consensus Hardening protocol) introduces SafeNodes while also allowing for partnerships like the one with RVN.
The MATCH protocol provides a framework which protects blockchains from double-spending through notarization. The concept behind this protocol encourages cooperation as SafeNodes write transactions to the MATCH blockchain, they also write transactions to “Protector Blockchains” (RVN would be the Protector Blockchain).
SAFE has many exciting things going for them, MATCH, and their most recent partnership with RVN seem to be just the beginning.
Independent but Cooperating
SAFE and RVN do not “depend” or “touch” each other. They are independent projects that have found a unique mechanism to benefit both blockchains and their communities. SAFE has found a way to reward a new community in SAFE tokens while providing double-spending protection among other benefits to RVN. This is a win-win for both blockchains.
If partnerships with mutual benefits continue to be realized expect to see the SAFE community grow exponentially. RVN may be the ‘biggest’ news SAFE has had in months, but if their MATCH protocol is as impressive as they hint, there are likely be many more partnerships in the works.
The Future
The future seems SAFE, through their implementation of MATCH protocol and working with partners like RVN.
Expect to see SAFE continue to provide 51 percent protection to other cryptocurrencies building out their own community in the process. With SafeNodes, MATCH protocol, an active trading exchange that was recently added to Coinmarketcap, and exciting partnerships the prospects for SAFE look exciting in the short and long term.
[Disclaimer: This views expressed in this article do not reflect the views of Blockchain Reporter and should not be taken as financial advice.]
To read the Crypto King’s prior articles or to get in contact directly with him, you can on Twitter (@JbtheCryptoKing) or Reddit. The King is the founder of PocketNode, ANON and actively trades cryptocurrencies.