A layer 1-based blockchain, on which the programming language “Move” is used, has created a lot of hype across the industry. The blockchain has been developed on the behalf of Aptos Labs (a group of strategists, engineers, and developers) under the co-founders Avery Ching and Mo Shaikh. Because of gaining such popularity across the market, several of the prominent exchanges have declared to list Aptos.
Top Exchanges Step ahead to List Aptos on Their Platforms
On the official platform thereof, Binance declared that Aptos will be listed on the crypto exchange and the consumers will be permitted to trade APT (the native token of the blockchain) for some pairs of spot trading. These pairs take into account APT/USDT, APT/BUSD, and APT/BTC. To be capable of trading Aptos, the exchange has persuaded the customers to deposit APT while preparing to trade it.
As per Binance, the venue will open this trading on 19th October while the APT withdrawals will start on the 20th of this month. While adding to this information, the crypto exchange has mentioned that the fee for APT listing is 0 BNB. Apart from that, APT will be added by the venue as a unique asset that could be borrowed on Isolated Margin and Cross Margin along with the latest margin pairs just 2 days following the start of trading. Earlier, Binance gained in-principle approval from AFSA to offer its services in Kazakhastan.

The exclusive pairs for Cross Margin take into account APT/USDT and APT/BUSD while APT/USDT and APT/BUSD are the new pairs for Isolated Margin. Binance is not the only exchange on which Aptos is being listed. Coinbase, famous American crypto exchange, has additionally announced that it will support Aptos (APT). While adding to this, the exchange noted in its Twitter thread that the asset is accessible through the platforms in the areas where it is permitted to do trading.
Coinbase Says Aptos’ Trading Will Begin Once It Fulfills the Liquidity Conditions
However, the venue has clarified that the trading of the respective asset will be started by it just if it meets the liquidity conditions. The exchange explained that it will declare the trading of the APT-USD pair at the time when a substantial supply of the asset is available. In the words of Coinbase, the trading will be started in phases. Because the exchange platform is not so sure about the asset at the moment, it will start this trading under the ‘experimental’ category.
In addition to this, another exchange called OKX has also made a thrilling announcement to list Aptos on the venue’s spot trading venues thereof. According to its schedule, the deposits of APT are to be started on the 18th of October while the listing of APT is expected at the moment when the deposits of the asset meet the standard. The APT withdrawals will initiate on the 19th of this month.
Simultaneously, another big name Bybit has also informed the community that its spot trading forum will list Aptos and the date for the withdrawals will be the 18th while withdrawals will be allowed on the 20th of October.