There is news going on in the cryptocurrency market and you need to hear it too: Bitgert coin is changing all we used to know about trading crypto. It is no joke that Bitgert is a game-changing crypto asset that is here to stay. Investors and seasoned traders are already catching the Bitgert trend, but if you are seeing this name, Bitgert, for the first time, well, it’s not too late. You need to learn about the Bitgert coin so you can start investing in it as soon as possible to be part of the boost coming. So let’s take a closer move to Bitgert to help you know this amazing new altcoin better.
Everyone following the altcoin market in the last few months has been talking about the dullness of the market. On one hand, most investors are feeling this might be a result of the coming Bitcoin halving that has seen most of the attention moving towards the BTC. But seeing the Bitgert coin doing better during Bitcoin’s pre-halving period shows there is more to the market than just one event coming. One thing that many have come to attribute to this dull movement of the altcoin market in the past months is the fact that there is nothing new to get investors excited enough to invest like they used to. But Bitgert could change the game.

With these insinuations, we can agree that the Bitgert coin is winning attention with the introduction of features that get everyone’s attention. Let’s quickly touch on one of these Bitgert features.
Low Gas Fees Vs High Gas Fees
If you ask 1001 crypto traders what they would rather choose between a high gas fee and a low one, all will choose a low gas fee regardless of how many times it was asked. But, it’s unfortunate to learn that there has not been a way to address this interest of the crypto traders. We have crypto assets that charge up to $150 on a $200 transaction; some claim it’s due to surge. However, regardless of the situation, you will always get a gas fee that’s almost zero on all your Bitgert transactions. Interesting! Isn’t it? Of course, it is.
If you are still sending a crypto coin of $4 with a $3 gas fee in this new world of Bitgert revolution, then it’s safe to call it your fault. Now, you know there is a coin that won’t even charge you up to a cent on a transaction as much as you might want to trade.