Conflux Network Official has announced its groundbreaking partnership with ZNS CONNECT. Through this collaboration, the network aims to provide its expanding network with customized Web3 domains and personalized Web3 pages. It will boost customization while unveiling unique benefits for users.
This partnership introduces domains such as “conflux” and other advancements. By doing this, the alliance strives to give users the opportunity to utilize groundbreaking tools for the manufacturing of their effective digital presence.
Conflux Network Official Revolutionize Identity with Web3 Domains
Conflux Network Official, by joining forces with ZNS CONNECT, provides its users with a host of cutting-edge features. Personalized Conflux domains can be minted by the community to design custom Web3 pages.
These advancements are about aesthetic customization as well as a revolutionary step to enhance the security of identity in the decentralized crypto world. Additionally, this development provides NFT rewards along with the elimination of gas fees. It further offers benefits that share revenue. It offers users with more rewarding and inclusive experience.
A Revolutionary Step to Create a Decentralized Future
Conflux Network Official merges its ecosystem with Web3 domains. In this way, it aligns its commitment with its mission to lead the charge in Web3 adoption. Interactions are streamlined with personalized domains and pages. It will make these interactions more scalable and secure. NFTs and no gas fees further intensify the focus of collaboration on innovation and accessibility.
This partnership of Conflux Network Official and ZNS CONNECT ensures the availability of minting at zns.bio soon. In this way, both allies aim to unleash new opportunities for users. It will be a remarkable step forward in digital identity management and Web3 technology.