A commercial open chain Fibonacci, which deals with the social sector and develops an economic ecosystem for creators, has collaborated with Alchemy Pay. The latest collaboration is focused on the provision of smooth fiat off-ramp and on-ramp solutions that consumers can leverage on its platform. The respective partnership enables Alchemy Pay to offer a consumer-friendly plugin straight to developers to develop apps on the blockchain platform of Fibonacci with the least expenses.
Fibonacci Offers Off & On-Ramp Solutions Launched by Fibonacci
With the integration of that plugin, clients from around the world get the capability to buy crypto assets straightly with the use of their favourite fiat currency means. As included in the collaboration, FlySwap (the initial decentralized exchange operating on the public chain of Fibonacci) additionally integrated the solutions provided by Alchemy Pay.
In addition to this, FIBO (Fibonacci blockchain’s local token) has been matchlessly incorporated into the ramp of Alchemy Pay. This enables the clients to appropriately buy the FIBO tokens by using their regional fiat currencies. As a result of this comprehensive worldwide reach, the payment giant Alchemy Pay offers coverage in more than 173 regions.
The platform facilitates transfers made in fiat currencies via diverse payment means like Mastercard, local mobile-based wallets, Visa, and the rest of the local transfers. As claimed by the payment platform, it has more than three-hundred channels for fiat-based payments. Apart from that, it moves beyond conventional card-based payments. Hence, it lets the consumers access as well as use native mobile wallets to avail themselves of seamless transfers.
The Platform Provides Secure, Effective, and Popular to Its Clients
Fibonacci is considered to be a blockchain that provides services on a commercial level. It is known as an initiative that has the chief target to develop an extraordinary ecosystem to facilitate creator and social economy. The respective project asserts having a resilient infrastructure that takes into account the exclusive SocialX protocol. Moreover, it also has a series of instruments like Mirror, Phantasm, FiboScan, FBridge, FigBox, and FlySwap.
The above-mentioned instruments collectively form a broad ecosystem specified for social apps to deliver secure, effective, and popular services to consumers. Fibonacci has emerged as a unique commercial open chain and pays substantial attention to social space. The project has been named after a prominent mathematician from Italy. It represents the golden ratio, one of the sole 2 natural models of growth.