Digital assets have become one of the most popular market instruments, which is why many traders and investors want to know how to quickly make money online with cryptocurrencies. CryptoKG crypto exchange experts give five main recommendations, following which you will be able to earn income.
About crypto exchange
CryptoKG is a licensed service for trading cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets. It is known in 140 countries of the world, registered in Great Britain and works according to the legislation of the European Union.
The company offers services for the purchase, sale and exchange of cryptocurrencies, as well as tokenized assets of the stock, commodity, and commodity markets.
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Tip #1 Diversify Your Risks
The cryptocurrency market is very volatile, and in 2022 we have already seen serious fluctuations in the Bitcoin exchange rate (and many other coins following it). Many traders who were counting on the rapid growth of Bitcoin did not make a profit on their investments, as the price of BTC is still far from its highs.
In order for your investments to generate income regardless of the market situation, CryptoKG experts recommend diversifying risks – investing in different assets, and not in one (for example, only in Bitcoin).
In the crypto exchange platform, clients have access to 300+ trading instruments: more than 40 popular crypto pairs, as well as digital contracts for oil, gold, stock indices and shares of top global companies. Quotes of all instruments coincide with quotes on the corresponding exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc.), so traders can earn in fair market conditions.
Make an investment portfolio that includes assets from different markets and your chances of profit will increase significantly. For example, if Bitcoin falls in price and gold grows, then you can earn by selling BTC profitably and buying tokens for the precious metal.
Tip #2 Use your leverage wisely
Margin trading allows you to earn more profit with less investment. For example, if you open a trade with your 100 USDT and use 1:5 leverage, then your trade amount will be 5 times larger (5000 USDT), which means you can earn 5 times more online quickly.
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CryptoKG users have access to leverage from 1:2 to 1:20. At the same time, experts advise not to get carried away with large leverage, so not to increase the risks. This is especially important for beginner crypto-traders.
Tip #3 Apply technical analysis
Many traders mistakenly believe that technical analysis does not work in the cryptocurrency market. And not all platforms for online earnings make it possible to analyze price charts. In fact, crypto assets behave in exactly the same way as the instruments of other markets. There are also resistance and support levels, trends and reversals, you can use various indicators.
The CryptoKG platform has all the necessary tools for professional market analysis: different types of charts (bars, candlesticks), integrated technical indicators, lines to mark key price levels. You can track when trends start and end in order to have time to open a profitable deal to buy or sell cryptocurrencies, just like the pros do.
Tip #4 Keep your finger on the pulse of the market
The crypto market is very volatile, and sometimes in one minute the rate of a coin can rapidly collapse or take off. Just remember the reaction of SHIB or DOGE to Elon Musk’s tweets! Those who took advantage of the moment earned excellent profits.
There may be many more such moments for transactions. The main thing is not to miss them. And for this, you need to constantly have access to the market in order to make a profitable purchase or sale of cryptocurrency at any second. The best way to do this is a web-based platform that does not need to be downloaded. For example, in CryptoKG, an online earning platform is available directly in the User’s Personal Account, which means that you can access it from any gadget, anywhere and at any time.
Tip #5 Feel free to contact professionals
Trading in the cryptocurrency market is not the easiest way to make quick money online. And it’s okay if you don’t know everything and can’t do everything. If there is an opportunity to seek help from more experienced professionals, do not neglect it. For example, in CryptoKG you can:
- Receive ready-made analytics by e-mail on a weekly basis;
- Consult with the company’s experts on your trade, analyze transactions;
- Connect a trading robot developed by the exchange specialists. The robot will not only save you from having to analyze the market by yourself, but it will also free up a lot of time, because it will trade automatically instead of you;
- Subscribe to ready-made trading signals;
- Use the “Personal Banking” service for professional investment (specialists will help you with risk management and portfolio development).
Using the experience and knowledge of experts, you can earn in the most difficult market conditions.
And one more tip is a bonus. As the saying goes, last but not least. Choose a reliable site for online earnings: with a license, transparent working conditions, convenient deposit and withdrawal of funds without hidden fees and commissions, with secure accounts. After all, there are many cases when people lost cryptocurrency on their wallets due to hacks or could not withdraw profit from the account.
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CryptoKG traders have all the advantages: the company is licensed, receives quotes from the largest banks, provides 20+ deposit / withdrawal methods and does not charge additional fees. And to protect against hacking, all customer accounts are verified. You can safely sign up and trade.
As you can see, there are many opportunities for earning on cryptocurrency. Listen to the recommendations of experts and achieve success!