AutoFarm has started up AutoLabs to research, build, and add artificial intelligence (AI) to its products. They issued a press release expressing their excitement at the prospect of incorporating cutting-edge AI and ML technology into Autofarm, the lowest-priced multi-chain DEX and yield aggregating protocol.
AutoFarm’s AutoLabs leads the way in AI-ML integration for Data Analysis and Digital Asset allocation
AutoFarm’s AutoLabs is an in-house research branch that focuses on figuring out how to best combine cutting-edge AI/ML tools. An AI infrastructure team made up of experts from a wide range of AI fields has been put together at AutoLabs to lead this effort. Autofarm has its own research team whose mission is to help the company’s tools better analyze real-world data in real-time, spot lucrative possibilities, and specific task judgments about asset allocation throughout different blockchain networks.
AutoFarm Vaults, a production optimizer solution that pools gas fees using field-proven smart contracts code & best-in-class production optimization methodologies, is one area where AI/ML integration is being investigated. A quantum-inspired, learning, and brain language processing algorithm will be employed to determine the most lucrative chains and symbols in real time, enhancing the yield-driven approach.

AutoSwap’s Future: Autofarm Integrating AI/ML for Streamlined Trade Execution and Improved DEX Pricing
Autofarm is considering adding machine learning and artificial intelligence to its DEX aggregators, AutoSwap. The purpose of using machine learning and artificial intelligence to streamline trade execution is to discover the best pricing across various DEXs so that customers experience the least amount of slippage feasible while still making transactions that are immune to front-running and arbitrage.
Overall, Autofarm’s use of ML and MI technology represents a massive step for the DeFi industry, and they couldn’t be happier to be at the front of this development. The staff works hard to study and use these technologies so that farmers can have the best and most efficient farming experience possible. They are excited to keep working toward the goal of developing a yield farming industry that maximizes both profit and efficiency.