Australia NDIS gets app with blockchain and diabled Australians will soon receive an app that implements a welfare compliance system devised by the same individuals who created robo-debt. However, this is not at all good news. The point is that it is evident that the Australian government intends to extend technology-driven compliance to all Australians, with an emphasis on punishing your failures rather than theirs.
The long-term objective, according to Kathryn Campbell, Secretary of the Department of Social Services, is to have a single app for all Commonwealth government services. She stated last month that the idea is to one to govern all, presumably ignorant to how horrible that sounds. The country’s senators are already concerned that the software designed for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) members to claim expenses against their assistance plan would go the way of COVIDSafe.
It is reported that millions of dollars have been wasted on ineffective technology. The goal was to improve the web experience and enable claims to be filed from mobile devices. Web3 payment solutions were also considered. According to Martin Hoffman, the chief executive officer of the National Disability Insurance Administration (NDIA), the pilot program has been very popular and well-received, and the feedback has been particularly favorable. He further wrote that in the following months, the software will be fully available on Google Play and Apple’s app store. Besides, this technology is being deployed at the same time that the NDIA is preparing for a data-driven compliance system aimed at individuals.
NDIA’s goal is similar to what Centrelink did to welfare users with its so-called robo-debt program. Several of the same bureaucrats are actually participating. Rick Morton writes in The Saturday Paper that two senior public employees engaged in the formation of the robo-debt program now work in the compliance office of the National Disability Insurance Agency. It was a genuine cultural shift. The focus switched from identifying questionable care providers to disabled service clients.
As with robo-debt, it would now be the individual’s responsibility to demonstrate compliance. The NDIA is also working on a concept known as robo-planning, in which NDIA’s computer algorithm will determine a disabled person’s personalized budget before they meet with a human to arrange their assistance program. The Australian National Audit Office had advised that the NDIA employ data-matching to prevent fraudulent claims in 2019, but robo-planning appears to be a step too far. Australia NDIS gets app with blockchain and we are going to discover its ins and outs in this article.
Is Australia Following The Road That The UK Left Behind?
In 2018, the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) collaborated with the CSIRO’s Data61 and the Commonwealth Bank to test blockchain-based smart money for the scheme’s payments that could magically determine whether a spending was valid or not. According to blockchain critic David Gerard, who is also a blockchain realist, Australia’s plan echoes a similar concept detailed in the United Kingdom’s 2016 government document Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond blockchain. Meanwhile, more information about their plans can be found on the NDIS YouTube channel.
In his 2017 book, Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain, Gerard wrote that the heart of the study is a convoluted plan to place all social welfare in the UK on a unified blockchain, with purchases being accessible only through a DRMed smartphone. The objective of this strategy is to enable more granular tracking of individuals’ purchasing patterns. He added that this paper was literally prepared by blockchain and smart contract promoting corporations and advisors. At the time, it made spectacular claims about the capabilities of blockchain technology, and the case studies were entirely imaginary.
He emphasized that the most notable characteristic of this proposal is that none of its components are realistic. In addition, the accompanying film is considerably enhanced if narrated by [comedy character] Philomena Cunk. In her own Moments of Wonder episode on money, Cunk ironically raised an intriguing question: “When you have a coin, where is the money?” How did the UK’s proposed blockchain-based welfare payments fare?
Gerard wrote that the experiment of this proposal was so unsuccessful that the entire concept was scrapped, and government employees believed blockchain was no longer fashionable. He wrote that this is the country that administers the awful Universal Credit plan, in which a million people rely on food banks; despite this, the blockchain scheme was so terrible that it was discarded by people.
Gerard believes the Australian plan will follow a similar path. The biggest hope for this dreadful concept is that it can’t possibly work if it’s on a blockchain. According to him, there are indications that Gerard is correct in the DTA’s own February 2019 account of the trials. There are only moderately optimistic assertions, such as “blockchain technology provides promise.
Opportunities And Challenges For The Implementation
They did not construct a centralized database solution to compare its performance with the smart money proof of concept, which may deliver a comparable front-end user experience. Nonetheless, if smart money were utilized in more welfare situations outside the NDIS, additional work may be required to ensure adequate performance and anonymity. Australia NDIS gets app with blockchain and this is raising a lot of questions.
Simply put, the technology is sluggish and lacks adequate privacy measures. The DTA wrote that one of the most surprising aspects was the magnitude of the difficulty in gathering all of the information necessary to make conditional payments across the institution’s network. This included payments to ordinary enterprises who provide services to NDIS participants (for instance, travel, and digestive aids). In other words, assume a person with a disability took a taxi. Was the travel part of their treatment plan, and thus a justifiable expense, or was it for something else?
The design issue involves both efficient data collection and processing (whether using blockchain or a centralized database). Concerned about both latency and throughput, the paper suggests focusing future research and development efforts on examining alternate blockchain networks and pre-authorizing payments utilizing pre-existing blockchain information at the time of payment authorization.
You might also use a standard database. This technology is well-understood, and the fewer moving components there are, the less likely something will go wrong. More concerning is the disregard for security. The paper wrote that security policy requirements and implementation techniques for blockchain-based conditional payments were not studied as part of this project. Nonetheless, as one subheading states, “The potential is exciting.”
NDIA Claims They’re Not Using Blockchain Technology
Recent statements made by the NDIA and government indicate that their upcoming app is not connected in any way to the 2018 study. This trial was conducted independently of the NDIA by the Commonwealth Bank in collaboration with Data61 at the CSIRO. A spokesperson of the NDIA said that the trial’s approach was based on NDIS funding. Nevertheless, the NDIA neither commissioned the trial nor acted on any of its conclusions.

As part of the continual monitoring and improvement of its operations by the government, the NDIA is conducting a pilot project to test an application that has the potential to simplify the process by which a participant could submit claims for payment. They wrote that the blockchain technology is not utilized in this regard. The NDIS payment system will not be implementing blockchain technology or SmartMoney any time soon, according to the Agency’s current plans.
Ethics And Participation Of People
Ethical considerations are almost entirely absent from the Making Money Smarter study, which is a major flaw. In a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS, former Technology Authority chief Marie Johnson wrote that When it comes to the implementation of blockchain technology, extreme vigilance is required due to the extraordinarily complicated nature of the NDIS environment, as well as the presence of flawed procedures and vulnerable individuals.
She stated that blockchain, like other technological advancements, does not solve basic design and human rights concerns. Integrity is paramount. In addition, she stated that the engagement of the Commonwealth Bank itself presents additional ethical concerns, given the value of participant information and people’s security, the scale of the market, and the unrealized e-market treasure trove of data, finances, and services.
Annually, the NDIS disburses $25 billion as per government reports. Additionally, Johnson is concerned about the lack of co-design in the NDIA’s laws and procedures. This, according to her, indicates that the end-to-end human experience does not impact design and that the human experience is not protected by a rigorous and independent ethics framework. Humans are not in the loop.
User testing is distinct from co-design. The description of Secretary Campbell’s “one app to rule the world” that omits user requirements. She stated that it would make life much simpler if people knew when they had upcoming appointments, when they had commitments, when they had to return documents and the like, and when they had to pay their taxes. Thus, this is the government’s long-term digital strategy.
All of these are things that citizens must do in order for the government to remain compliant; otherwise, they will be punished. Where is the acknowledgment of the government’s duty to serve its citizens and ensure they receive all their due benefits? Yes, it is a genuine cultural shift in terms of government compliance. It was critical to understand this especially when Australia NDIS gets app with blockchain. Simply put, it’s obvious what they intend to do here, and you don’t need crypto or blockchain to enslave people with surveillance of unenforceable rules.