A date for the International Symposium on Blockchain Advancements (ISBA) 2022 has been announced. The event will debut in Singapore in December 2022, from December 1 to December 2. ParallelChain Lab is the exclusive organizer of the symposium, which brings together leading voices of participants in the blockchain ecosystem. All participants are people inspired to actualize the digital transformation powered by the blockchain.
The Theme of ISBA 2022
At the ISBA 2022, the theme will be ‘A New Interoperability Dimension – Coupling DeFi and CeFi.’ Its focus will be on the blockchain platform powering the digital transformation. At the event, distinguished technologists, venture capitalists, and industry leaders will give speeches. The focus will be on networked enterprise, and decentralized economies, from business perspectives, and deep tech.
Expected Guest Speakers at The Symposium
During the second day of the symposium on Friday, December 2, 2022, some notable persons are expected to give speeches. They will include the Honorable Dick Cheney, the former vice president of the United States, who is the Chief Guest of Honor. Other notable speakers are:
- Dr. Raj Jai – a professor of Computer Science, and Engineering at Washington University. The doctor is a highly cited scholar is Computer Science, with over 37,000 citations on Google Scholar.
- Dr. Radia Perlman who is widely regarded to as The “Mother of the Internet”. Dr. Perlman is was inaugurated National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2016, she also became a member of National Academy of Engineering 2015, and was inaugurated into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2014.
- Charlie Kaufman – an accomplished cybersecurity expert. He is the system security architect at Dell EMC, he is the former Chief Network Security Architect at Microsoft Azure, the former Chief Network Security Architect of IBM Lotus Notes, and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences expert panel.
- Nitin Gaur who is the founder, and director of IBM Worldwide Digital Assets Labs. Additionally, he is the founder and dormer direction of IBM Blockchain Labs.
- Gmoney – a renowned first mover in the NFT space. He is thought-leaders, and prolific curator of NFT corrections.
Besides the above speakers, more will be unveiled before the date of the symposium.
The symposium is organized into three tracks, which are Technology, Enterprise, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Each track will comprise keynote speeches with a focus on the real-world adoption of blockchain technology. There will be panel discussions as well as a live Q&A after the keynote speeches.
Pre-symposium Tutorials
One day before the symposium on Thursday, December 1, 2022, there will be tutorial sessions organized on the university campus. During the event, renowned technologists such as Dr. Radia Perlman, considered the “Mother of the Internet,” Dr. Elaine Shi, a leading cryptography scholar, and Charlie Kaufman, a cybersecurity expert, will discuss the challenging but critical topics regarding the advancement of blockchain technology. Some of the topics of discussion will be quantum computing and transaction fee mechanisms.
Access-coded Live Streaming
Attending the ISBA 2022 is undoubtedly going to be an enriching experience for everyone. It will offer inspiration for the future of blockchain that is evolving from what to how. Additionally, the symposium will enable attendees to gain a realistic insight into emerging trends and needs. Consequently, they will have a technical blueprint, which they can use to create innovative solutions.
To attend the live-streamed event, you can visit this portal and register for ISBA 2022, registration is ongoing. While physical attendance is exclusive to the invited guests, virtual participation is open to everyone who completes the registration process.
To get the latest information about the event, go here
For media and partnership inquiries, all queries should be sent to [email protected].
What is the International Symposium on Blockchain Advancements (ISBA) ?
ISBA is an international event organized and sponsored by ParallelChain Lab. The goal of this event is to guide the transition to the digital economy by provoking meaningful questions, and discussions that will inspire everyone to cut through the hype and gain a realistic insight into energy needs, and trends. Consequently providing the technological blueprint for the creation of innovative solutions.
What is ParallelChain Lab ?
ParallelChain Lab, the organizer of ISBA 2022, is a Web3 company founded in 2018. Since its creation, the company has been working on creating game-changing solutions powered by AI and blockchain technologies. It is behind the ParallelChain platform which comprises two layer-1 blockchain platforms that are powering an ever-growing ecosystem of enterprise applications. These applications are built for the decentralized finance ecosystem, and they feature advanced functionality, scalability, data privacy, and immutable record-keeping.