Cardano’s X account has been compromised amid a cybersecurity breach. Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, and the official Cardano community account have confirmed a hack of the Cardano Foundation’s official X account. They have cautioned the community to ignore all posts from the account until the issue is resolved.
Cardano Founder Cautions the Community About X Account Breach
The breach came to light when a false statement was shared on the Cardano Foundation’s official account. The tweet announced ceasing support for $ADA due to the US SEC’s legal action. In the statement, it was mentioned that Cardano would stop supporting its flagship crypto token $ADA to comply with the regulatory requirements. It highlighted that the SEC’s lawsuit prompted the platform to do so. However, the Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson and the official Cardano Community account on X claimed that the account was hacked.
The false announcement caused brief panic among the community, mirroring the influence of the official accounts on the crypto community. The incident points out the growing threats led by cyberattacks in the crypto landscape. Nonetheless, the Cardano team is looking into the matter to come up with suitable solutions to the issue.
In the meantime, the official X account “Cardano Community” has advised the community to neglect any new posts. As the hacker is now exploiting the official account to share fake announcements, this may negatively impact the community.
The Cardano Team Endeavor to Regain Control over the Account
The Cardano Foundation is reportedly endeavoring to regain control of the official account thereof. Further updates are expected once the platform’s team completely resolves the situation. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the significance of resilient cybersecurity practices in the digital era. Till that time, the community needs to stay calm and ignore the new posts on Cardano Foundation’s X account.