The decentralized infrastructure platform TRON Network has recently announced that its latest Committee Proposal 89 has secured approval. The platform disclosed the news of the proposal’s official approval on Twitter on the 4th of August. In addition to this, the platform also noted in the tweet that the chief content of the proposal deals with the modification of chain parameter 76.
TRON’s Latest Committee Proposal Gets Approved to Implement PUSH0 Instruction
Moreover, the company also mentioned that the PUSH0 instruction’s activation in the TRON virtual machine (TVM) is also a part of this proposal. In a post on Medium, the platform elaborated on the committee proposal. It stated that the proposal is already operating. While discussing the PUSH0 (0x5f) instruction, the platform revealed that it denotes pushing the continuous value of 0 onto the TVM-based stack, which was initiated from EIP-3855.
TRON added that it has already activated the Shanghai Upgrade of Ethereum on the platform’s mainnet on the 12th of April this year, taking into account EIP-3855. The proposal attempts to maintain compatibility between TVM and EVM. Moreover, it also focuses on offering the same advantages for the user and developers of TRON, the proposal intends to enact the PUSH0 instruction for TVM. Apart from that, the platform also pointed out that implementation of the PUSH0 instruction offers economic and technical benefits.
The Platform Points out the Benefits Enabled by the Instruction
Technically, it added, the instruction maintains the compatibility between TVM and EVM. In particular, the platform brought to the front that decreasing the size of the contract is a significant benefit of this implementation. Furthermore, it asserted that another benefit is related to minimizing the hazard of contracts abusing diverse instructions. According to it, changing or repricing the respective instructions is considered to be very hazardous.