ApeSwap has established a formal partnership with Gauntlet, the largest and most well-known financial modeling tool in DeFi
ApeSwap & Gauntlet Partnership Details
ApeSwap has established an official partnership with Gauntlet, DeFi’s largest and most popular financial modeling tool. The in-depth simulations and data analysis provided by Gauntlet will assist project in better optimizing their token emissions, resulting in more efficient use of liquidity and increased daily trading volume on the platform.
Gauntlet is a financial modeling software that informs on-chain protocol management using battle-tested tactics from the algorithmic trading sector. Simply said, Gauntlet uses complicated simulation models to assist the largest DeFi initiatives in making more educated, data-driven decisions on tokenomics and emissions. Gauntlet’s most recent funding round put the company at $1 billion. Their team is comprised of data scientists, software developers, simulation engineers, and others to give the Jungle with the greatest, most accurate, and in-depth data insights about our whole BNB Chain DEX!
The ApeSwap has a jam-packed first quarter of 2022 with a slew of upgrades. ApeSwap is ready to continue the build and build theme with a new style that coincides with the BNB Chain makeover. With projects like as ApeLabs expanding the reach and extent of the ApeSwap team’s skills, they will remain a force.
ApeSwap will build both simulation and statistical-based models centered on DEX. The aforementioned models will encompass both the firm’s blue-chip and partners, ensuring that they are fully aware of the whole image of its emission allocations and the protocols can have proper suggestions throughout. The data supplied will be utilized to alter all allocation points or farm multipliers on ApeSwap, allowing for greater optimization of garner liquidity and BANANA token emission.
DK, ApeSwap Co-Founder & Head of Business Development, said: “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Gauntlet’s talented team of data scientists to improve the efficiency of ApeSwap’s DEX emissions and increase our trading volume.”
Apegineer, ApeSwap DEX Analyst, added: “We are proud to be Gauntlet’s first and only partner on BNB Chain, officially joining the ranks of their star-studded list of partners, including AAVE, Maker, Compound, SushiSwap, and Balancer, to name a few.”
Obie Dobie, Founder of ApeSwap, informed: “With the launch of ApeSwap’s new homepage, we’ve officially restructured, redesigned, and reimagined every piece of the original PCS interface we forked from! We’re super proud of how far ApeSwap has come in the last few months, and we still have several more updates in the UI Metamorphosis coming up! ApeSwap is always striving to push out news and keep the morale high. With major developments like Gaunlet, UI revamps, IAO 12, and much more around the corner, we’re in high hopes about the future of our ecosystem!”